We arrived in Tokyo after a 10 1/2 hour flight from LA. We are spending several days there on our way to India. We were flying on our anniversary. It was a nice way to celebrate. The time went fast because we watched a Shah Rkuh Khan movie: Ashoka. It was great. 2nd time that we have seen it. We left LA at 11am on a Sat. and arrived at 5pm the following Sunday. Tokyo was having its first snow storm in over 10 years. Very unusual. Luckly we were dressed for it! We went to the hotel and then walked across to the very upscale Hotel The Conrad for an excellent Chinese Dinner with lots of Sake. We have been up for about 22 hours and are about to crash. Tomorrow keeping warm by some hot shopping!
You could have gotten the cold and snow and a much shorter plane ride had you come to Minneapolis rather than going to Tokyo. Maybe next time.
Can't believe that you've already blogged; you are truly "the man". Your fan-base is delighted. Cathy I'm so glad you're in lots of photos; keep it up. Can't wait to read about what you do today! And Happy Anniversary.
Happy Anniversary...enjoy your trip and tell Mrs. Meyer the cats are doing fine. Sorry to here about the storm, but I'm sure a glass of wine, warmed you'll up.
:-) see you soon.
happy anniversary. looks like the trip is off to a fine start.
its actually cold here tonight and super clear. the open house next door was canceled. super bowl + rain is my guess.
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